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Tabor Tech TIPs Vol. 8

Do you want to know how much time you spend on your phone and computer? Or maybe you don't...

Here are two apps that track "productivity" data as well as the time you spend on your phone and computer. Maybe you know of a student or two with time management issues? See if they are willing to track their day to day usage data in order to evaluate their use of time.


Screencast-o-matic is a free and easy to use screen recorder

5 ways to use a screen recording in and out of the classroom:

1. Record a lesson for students to watch during study hall and return to anytime.

2. Provide a recorded tutorial for a student who is having a hard time understanding a concept.

3. Have students create their own screen recording to demonstrate knowledge.

4. Communicate with your students when you or a student is unable to be in class.

5. Send a recorded lesson or video to parents who are unable to take part in parent weekend.


Need a little help remembering all your passwords?

Here are two password managers the Tabor Tech Team recommends. Both of these options are free and have premium versions. They also synch between devices.


New OnCampus update

New and improved feature to annotate papers submitted through myTA. Watch this video to learn more.


Printing at Tabor

Check out Xerox Features: Have the printer staple and hole punch for you.


This is an intuitive tool for students and teachers to create graphically sound video, webpages, or posts. Check out this Short Video on how to get started with Adobe Spark.

5 ways to use Adobe Spark with students?

1. Create an info graphic or video to demonstrate knowledge.

2. Create a digital story, poem, or book review.

3. Use Spark Page as an alternative to using Google Docs or Word for a written paper. It gives students to ability to enhance their message and understanding with graphics and multimedia.

4. Blog or Video Journaling.

5. Create signage for clubs or events.

Do you already use Adobe Spark? Please share with me if you do. How have you use it with your students?


2 Google Drive Tips

1. Need some color in your life? Organize your Google Drive with color:

2. Do you have shared folders with your department or team? Need a little help keeping everything organized and in one place? Use Team Drive!


Tiered of typing the same phrases over and over in emails and documents?

Typinator types frequently used phrases for you. Here is a video to explain:


Thank you to the following Tabor Faculty and Staff for contributing to this weeks Tabor Tech Tips!

Anne Gardiner

Duane Martin

Shaun Mayor

Noel Pardo

Jeptha Runyon

Jeanne Townsend

Do you have a Tech Tip you would like to share? Let me know:

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