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Media Literacy Week Nov 6 - 12th

"MEDIA LITERACY is the ability to





and ACT

using all forms of communication.

In its simplest terms, media literacy builds upon the foundation of traditional literacy and offers new forms of reading and writing. Media literacy empowers people to be critical thinkers and makers, effective communicators and active citizens."

- National Association of Media Literacy Education

5 Things You Can Do

1. Educate yourself and parents about Media Literacy. Check out this Parent and Educators Guide to Media Literacy and Fake News.

2. Intentionally incorporate media literacy skills into your classroom curriculum. This method, appropriately called "CRAAP", is a good place to start.

3. Know your experts in Media Literacy:

4. ACT! - Teach students to ACT when they see something or hear something that stirs a gut reaction. Be a part of the solution not part of the problem. Here are three reliable fact checking websites:

5. Take a break from media and your device! Create experiences and have face to face conversations. Experiences are our biggest weapon in cracking our own “truth”, and bringing new realizations to our present reality.

"Your best filter is the one between your ears" -

Larry Magid, President and CEO of ConnectSafely

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